
Insamlingsstiftelsen Blodforskningsfonden i Umeå verkar för vetenskaplig forskning och utveckling av behandling för leukemi, lymfom, myelom och andra blodsjukdomar. Fonden har särskilt stött utvecklingen av behandling med stamcellstransplantationer i Umeå under den senaste tioårsperioden. Stiftelsen är befriad från skatt och har minimala omkostnader varför donerade medel nästan fullständigt kan utnyttjas för avsett forskningsändamål. Fonden är helt ideell och står under tillsyn av Svensk Insamlingskontroll.

Lars Skagerlind

tel. 090-785 26 21


I have been more than patient, I paid for a defective Rolex replica UK a month ago, you went back and forth before finally settling on a replacement, it took you a week to ship due to holidays, now you ship it slower than pony express, the watch hasn’t left China yet, in fact it hasn’t moved in six days, I don’t know why you chose to send it this way, but my patience has run out. Send the watch the proper way, or refund my money. Just wanted to say I received the replica watches UK yesterday and as expected, they surpassed all expectations. Thank you again for the timely shipping and delivery. I very much appreciate it! Also, I had a question regarding the link removal (for the black dial day/date watch). While I was able to remove two links (total of three needed to be removed), I find that it’s extremely difficult to do so. I used the same 1.4mm flathead screw driver for the Daytona watches and the Two-Tone Day/Date Rolex replica sale that also arrived yesterday and those screws came out perfectly I was wondering if the ones for the black dial are a different size screw, maybe a slightly smaller sized flathead screwdriver will work better?